I do have stock available!

Robert Mac Millan

I am receiving inquiries from customers asking if I have nothing available to sell on my website well the answer is yes I have more than enough to fill up a few 20 foot shipping containers but there is only one of me and I can not do it all at once please understand Rome was not built in a day.

If you require something special for your next custom build stringed musical instrument please contact me and I will get to you as soon as possible, please remember the saying: “be patient grasshopper”.

At the moment I am working on:

  • A large custom build order for Fender U.S.A. for the Australian market - only limited editions.
  • A custom build order for Warwick Bass in Germany.
  • Also an order for my friend Alan Cringean - A/C Custom Bass & Guitars - in Scotland, my place of birth (and please do not call me a Pommy B or I will hit you with my Rhythm stick).
  • And an order for Maton guitars. Australia's largest guitar builder of beautiful stringed instruments.

This might look like chaos, but believe me I do know what I am doing as I have been working with wood since a 12 year old, and salvaging wood in Tasmania on and off since 1968 in between world travels storing my wood collection with good friends.

We are the largest Tonewood supplier in Australia supplying Taylor Guitars in the U.S.A. For the past 7 years and many famous custom-build Luthiers.

Bob of Tasmanian Tonewoods having an arm wrestle with David, General manager of Maton guitars, negotiating pricing of my Tonewoods.

Now who won? You may ask. Well, we both did! We worked together to get a price that we were both happy with, and that is what business is all about. I still make a profit on all of my hard work, and because my profit is lower the tax man will get less of my hard earned money. Now I do not mind paying tax, but please take less off me and come and help me in the workshop and earn some money.

I look forward to working with Maton guitars over the next 100 years or so as they are a great company who make beautiful instruments from Tasmanian Tonewoods, and thank them once again for Friday 14th February - a great day - and 53 years to the day that I stepped ashore off the ship in Melbourne a few weeks off my 20th birthday. Now we're just a few weeks off 73rd birthday - so I have made middle age at last.

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