Salvaged Ancient Huon Pine Opportunity

Robert Mac Millan

Long before Hannibal took elephants across the Alps, Huon Pine trees took root on the banks of Traveller Creek, close to where it joins the King River, east of Queenstown.

While human civilisations were rising and falling, and technologies rapidly developing, the trees stood silently, gradually developing girth and height.

In 1990 these enormous, ancient trees' home was to be inundated by the rising waters of the hydro electric impoundment on the King River which later became known as Lake Burbury. Huon Pine and other valuable timber were removed before their habitat was flooded, and the careful operation of salvaging the trees and transporting the timber to Lynchford on the western side of Queenstown had begun. Families who had grown up in the King River Valley were now custodians of ancient trees which had lived in the same valley.

It was there in Lynchford that the Bradshaw and Morrison families set about establishing the most efficient and professional mill operation they could develop.

Robert works very closely with Randal Morrison, and is proud to be part of this story. Today Robert is offering you a unique opportunity to continue the history by resurrecting this valuable salvaged Huon Pine into unique works of art.

Available now are a quantity of logs suitable for milling, sculptured pieces for carving, ancient stumps and root systems for tables bases and abstract art, fine furniture design and more, with endless potential - only limited by your imagination. For all genuine enquiries please contact Robert directly on 0429 614 453 or email

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