News — Electric guitar tops.
Burls for tops for electric guitar and bass guitar | Tasmanian Tonewoods
Robert Mac Millan

We always have burls and figured timbers in stock for electric and bass guitars. Please check in regularly to see what we have available. Tasmanian Tonewoods specialise in Tasmanian and mainland Australia timbers for acoustic guitars and all stringed musical instruments. all our timbers are salvaged and legally sourced. Regards, Robert Tasmanian Tonewoods
New stock | Tasmanian Tonewoods
Acousic Tonewoos Drop Tops Telecaster Electric guitar tops. Tops Bass guitars
Robert Mac Millan6th April 2024. Tasmanian Blackhearted Sassafras acoustic back and side sets. Tasmanian blackwood acoustic back and sides plus soundboard.